Canadian atheists Canadian atheists
True, Northern, Strong, and Free
[2022-Sep-24 event: A friendly community get-together with Canadian atheists in Stanley Park (Vancouver, BC, Canada)]


Our events will always be listed here, with full details on scheduling, location, and local travel directions.  We will also post these events on social networks:

Current events

Many of our members have been expressing an interest in attending or participating in events, particularly during the COVID19 pandemic.  Now that Health Canada has gradually relaxed pandemic precautions, and because more than 90% of Canadians are vaccinated and there appears to be a significant reduction in Coronavirus infections, many community groups have been hosting events again, including us, although we're still being careful to focus on outdoor activities and encourage people to wear masks, etc., since public safety must always be a high priority.


[2022-Aug-27 event: A friendly community get-together with Canadian atheists in Burnaby Central Park (Burnaby, BC, Canada)]

Past community events

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